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Have you ever just wanted to crawl in your bed, cry and eat Haagen Dazs? Then you’ve experienced stress eating.

Emotional eating is much broader.

For example, running to the fridge 20 times when you’re bored:

That’s emotional eating.

Or still ordering dessert after you’re stuffed?

That’s emotional eating on the verge of binge eating.

Sure, at the moment it seems okay. But, we all hate ourselves afterwards…

Luckily, it’s controllable!

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Prior to reaching for that tub of ice cream take 5 minutes to think.

Is it worth it? Will you hate yourself later? Are you actually hungry?

If you still want something, try one of the following options.

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Stress relief can be achieved through many healthy options. Try yoga or a quick work-out. They’re a great way to reduce boredom eating too! Basically, keep yourself occupied

read, listen to music, maybe try a new hobby; the possibilities are endless.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text animate=”none” delay=”0″][/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab icon_status=”0″ icon=”web|fa fa-check-circle-o” title=”3. Replace ” tab_id=”1411467135-1-9995fb-9798c6cc-75b5″][vc_single_image image=”8986″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”medium” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text animate=”none” delay=”0″]

If you think you might be hungry opt for a cup of tea or water. Often times, your body is dehydrated rather than hungry. A drink will soothe your craving and hold you over till your next snack/meal.

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Eating a healthy diet, will decrease cravings. Have some healthy snacks to keep you full in between meals.

Have a fresh fruit, or an on-the-go bar. Even unsalted popcorn will do.

Try to have 3 meals; breakfast lunch and dinner, with a snack in between each. Do not skip over breakfast!

An oatmeal or an omlette, go for something with fiber to keep you fuller longer.

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Don’t just rethink reaching for the food. Reconsider your own self-image!

Having a better self-image and a higher self-esteem will both help relieve stress and prevent you from reaching for something you don’t need.

You’re better than that!  

If it’s difficult, reach out to others to fix the initial emotional issue rather than eating your feelings away.

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“The Fat Bastard” broke the cycle and so can you!

Practice the afore mentioned actions and rid yourself of the suffering.

Maybe get rid of the snacking foods from your home all together.

Avoiding emotional eating will help you avoid tons of extra pounds and regret. With a little self consideration, you’ll be able to transform your body, your health and your mind.

Most, importantly believe in your willpower.

Say “I can!

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Think prior to making your decision. 

You are stronger than the craving! 

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