We continue our look at kids health and fitness with a sports center in Brooklyn that keeps young people in mind. NY1’s Roger Clark paid a visit and got in a little workout too.

It’s a workout made for young people, but that doesn’t mean this older kid couldn’t try it too.

“The unique feature at Matchpoint is every activity we have for adults we have for children,” said Jason Daniels, executive director of Matchpoint NYC.

Matchpoint NYC is a massive indoor sports complex in Gravesend. There’s a lot going on between tennis, swimming and what they call the kids’ fitness challenge.

Daniels showed me what the hour-long sessions are like. It’s a six week program where twice a week, it’s all about increasing flexibility, endurance and balance with strength and cardio conditioning. The message to kids: get off the couch and stay active.

“A child who is dealing with obesity, very likely they are going to be dealing with obesity as an adult. So if you tackle that issue early and you give them the tools to overcome that, you know, you will find they stick with it and maintain it through their adult life,” said Daniels.

Daniels helped me stretch muscles I didn’t even know I had.

But don’t be alarmed, it’s a great workout, without treadmills, ellipitcals or any other machines.

“This is activity that you can do indoors, you can do outdoors with the family that goes to the park together. You can take a lot of this stuff with you,” Daniels said.

Along with trying excercises like push-ups, which I haven’t done since Mr. Sharkey’s gym class in high school, there are  lessons in nutrition that Daniels hopes parents will pick up on too.

“The main thing that a parent can do is set the example, lead by example. You know, eat right, stock the fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat if you are eating meat,” said Daniels.

For more information on the kids fitness programs at Matchpoint NYC, go to https://test.matchpoint.nyc.

As part of Time Warner Cable News’ “Fit Kids February” series we want to hear how your kids stay active. Be sure to tweet us using #FitKidsFeb.

During the month of February, Time Warner Cable News is committed to informing our viewers of the sometimes alarming trends facing our kids’ health as well as provide helpful tips for busy parents. Get more information on Fit Kids February, including the Fit Kids Challenge, healthy shopping suggestions and ways you can get involved to help make you and your children healthier!